Friday, January 22

Exhausting Day

Today was a day of exhaustion...I worked a 9.5 hour day, completely straight through (a break, are you kidding??) There was no school, so we took the kids to Lowry Park Zoo for the day. Though countless "I'm tired...I'm hungry" whines, it was a good day. The weather was supposed to suck, and rain throughout the day, but it didn't once and was an amazing temperature and sunny. (I can't say the same about Tarpon, it seriously looks like I live in a cloud's been so extremely foggy all day here.)

Today at the zoo was my first time ever touching a sting ray. I've always been afraid to touch them, not knowing what to expect. But, I stepped up to the side of the pool, jerking my hand back and forth, trying to decide if I truly wanted to touch it. One of my 2nd grade kids was mocking me the entire time, "Miss Tia, you're such a chicken, just touch it! Touch it! Touch it!" When I looked next to me I saw a 16 month old, having a ball petting the creatures. I figured, if this baby can touch this nasty animal, I can too. So I stuck my hand in, and lived to tell the story. I determined at the end that it was a good decision to touch it, but I would rather touch a dolphin hands down.

When we got back to the church, it was snack time and I sadly ate some of the fries we had for snack. So I told myself that I had to work extra hard at the gym today, which I did. I am happy to report that I ran an entire mile, in 11 minutes! I definitely had the sweat to prove it. Thus, my blissfully uneventful night of sitting on the couch, unable and unwilling to get up or do anything. That's about it for my report of the day, hopefully the rest of my weekend will prove to be eventful.


  1. It takes almost four miles to burn off the calories from one medium order of fast food French fries, which have about 370 calories.

    To lose one pound of fat, you'll need to burn about 3,500 calories, or jog about 35 miles.

    Keep running, you have 34 miles to go.

  2. Thanks Shelb...they weren't fast food french fries though, and I didn't have that many of them.


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