I thought it would be super fun to have my own herb garden in my backyard. Home Depot had a sale on them, so I jumped on that like tonto. They are growing so big! They seriously are like my little babies or something. I get so excited each day when I go out to water them at how much they are growing. Most exciting thing was my first strawberry grew! Look at that little guy! And if you're wondering if I ate it...I sure did. It was sweet and perfect.

Other things in my garden are parsley, lots of mint (I can't wait to have a mojito party!), rosemary (smells divine), 2 types of tomatoes, green bell peppers, dill, onion chives, and a few others I can't think of at the moment.Here's my adorable garden! I got some paint for the pots, so pretty soon it's gonna be an adorable, festive garden!
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