Thursday, December 9

Christmas movies

I seriously had my Fa la la on last night! I baked the cookies from the recipe I gave you yesterday for Peanut Butter Kisses while listening to the Glee Christmas album. If it sounds like it was fun, it was. I really have enjoyed baking recently. With a little help from Martha and the holidays, I just turn into Suzie Homemaker. I love it!

Each Christmas it's pretty much a given that cable TV shows Christmas themed movies over and over again. Although they show new ones, there are those classics that you just go back to each year. Sometimes, you even watch the same movie several times, in fear that you won't get enough of it before the holiday season is over. I get that way with a couple movies, but here are my Top 10 Christmas Movies.
1. Elf. I watch it every year a minimum of 5 times. I absolutely love it! I've already caught this one on TV twice this year. I own it, so I plan on watching it a couple more times. "Buddy the Elf, what's your favorite color?"

2. National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation. I watch this one at least 3 times each year. My favorite character might be Aunt Bethany, she is so funny! I love when she says the pledge of allegiance during grace!

3. A Christmas Story. This one is just a classic!

4. Home Alone 2: Lost in New York. I've already caught this one on TV this year! I used to watch this movie at least once a week when I was in middle school. I can pretty much quote the entire movie, it's sad. "You was here, and you was smooching with my brother!"

5. Love Actually. This movie isn't really about Christmas, it is just set at Christmas time. Therefore, I feel it appropriate to watch every Christmas, duh.

6. How the Grinch Stole Christmas. The original cartoon, not the Jim Carrey version (I've never seen that version because I just really don't like him as an actor, sorry). This is a classic and a must watch each year!

7. The Polar Express. Not necessarily a must watch every year, but I put it on the list because it is just an amazing and remarkably done movie.

8. A Charlie Brown Christmas. Yet another classic that holds the spirit of Christmas.

9. The Santa Clause. I used to love this movie when I was a kid. It's such a great movie.

10. It's a Wonderful Life. Okay, I'm going to admit something, I've never seen this movie. It's on everyone's top Christmas list, so this is my year to watch it. I WILL watch it this year!

1 comment:

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