Sunday, December 12

Drink this, not that

Did you know that your favorite holiday beverages may average around 700 calories?? What used to just be a mid-day pick me up has turned the other foot and has become a plump me up! This segment was on the Today Show and is called "Drink This, Not That." Here are some of the examples on the show.

NOT THAT: A venti Starbucks peppermint white chocolate with whole milk with whipped cream has 700 calories! It contains 27g of fat and 95g sugar! Holy goodness! That's the equivalent of a Christmas dinner!

DRINK THIS: Instead, get the Starbucks cafe mocha with skim milk, which only contains 220 calories.

NOT THAT: Dunkin' Donuts gingerbread latte (large) contains 440 calories. That is 12g of fat and 68g sugar. That's the equivalent of 4 1/2 holiday donuts with frosting and sugar!

DRINK THIS: Instead, get the Dunkin' Donuts gingerbread coffee (medium), which only contains 170 calories.

NOT THAT: Panera Bread peppermint hot chocolate (14.5 oz) contains 610 calories, which has 17g fat and 83g sugars. That's the equivalent of 2 slices of pumpkin pie!

DRINK THIS: Instead, get the Panera hot chocolate (10oz), no whip at 270 calories.

NOT THAT: McDonald's large frappe caramel contains 680 calories, which includes 29g of fat and 88g of sugar. That's the equivalent of 31 caramel chocolate candies!

DRINK THIS: Instead, get McDonald's non-fat caramel cappuccino (medium) at 190 calories.

NOT THAT: Starbucks eggnog latte with whole milk (venti) contains 630 calories, which has 30g fat and 64g sugars. That's the equivalent of 16 candy canes!

DRINK THIS: Instead, get Starbucks skinny cinnamon dolce latte (grande) at 130 calories.


  1. Another idea I follow is, when I want a special holiday drink to deviate from my usual non-fat iced latte at starbucks... I get one of their holiday lattes with non-fat milk and ask for half (or even less) of the syrup... They put sooo much syrup in as a default, so even with much less it still has the taste!

  2. Oh yes, non-fat is always the way to go at Starbucks! I just put the whole milk calories because they are just so outrageous (and because the segment used it too). I personally love the skinny cinnamon dolce latte, it truly is Christmas in a cup!


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