Saturday, October 2

Spooky ideas

Being that it's the first weekend of October, I'm sure a lot of people will be breaking out their Halloween boxes, decorating their houses in a spooky fashion. Here's some cute ideas if you want to decorate with style.

These are photos from Pottery Barn, who have several other wonderful ideas and autumn decor. I just went into the store the other day, and they definitely have some cute items for tables throughout your home. The prices are a bit high, but I'm sure you could find a replica somewhere else to get the same idea.
Martha Stewart has tons of wonderful ideas, including lots of interesting and helpful instructions on ways to carve pumpkins. Here's a couple cute ideas from her site. I love the scarecrows!
Better Homes and Gardens has really cute ideas too. I love the candles! And how adorable of an idea is using shoes?? Love it!
Those are just a few ideas for now, I'll provide you with more on a later post!


  1. I'm excited for Hallowe'en now after looking at these pics!
    visit me:

  2. Me too!! I can't wait to start carving pumpkins now!!


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