Friday, October 1

What not to wear

Happy October and Fashion Forward Friday!!

Trends come and go, but there are some that I just don't understand. Some are so repulsive to me that I go against the grain and refuse to wear them. Fashion always comes back around, but you never see me in these items. I don't care how "in" they are at the moment, they will never be on me. These are at the top of my opinion of "what not to wear."

1. Camouflage. If you're not hunting, don't wear it. You don't need to blend in with trees in everyday life. Unless you're a spy. In that case, you would be probably be wearing something totally cool, black, and spy-like.

2. Crocs. I don't care how comfortable those things are, they are so ugly and look like you just don't care. On of the episodes of What Not To Wear, Clinton Kelly said, "Crocs are one of the signs of the apocalypse." Such a valid statement.

3. Ugg Boots. The name says it all. And no, they don't look cute with shorts or a skirt. This is strictly for the classic ones. "But I saw celebrities wearing them!" you may say. I don't still doesn't make it okay. Though, I will state that the new ones with the buttons are actually quite cute. So, be selective with your Ugg choices!

4. Booty Shorts/Shorts with words on the butt. Come on, get some shorts that fit! Grasp the fact that you may have to go up a size...gasp! I know. Try this first: walk around your house for a few minutes. If you feel the need to yank them out of your butt, they are too short. Also, do you really need words on your butt? I think it gets enough attention on its own. You don't need to decorate it with the words "Juicy," which is gross in and of itself.

5. Pajamas or T-shirts in public. I can safely say that I never ever wore PJs to class when I was in college, and I'm proud of that fact. It just seems like you're not trying. It's just as easy to put on a fitted T as it is a T-shirt, so opt for the better of the two!

If you're guilty of any of these, I encourage you to become free of it! Give your items to Good-Will or the equivalent. Your trash (literally) can become someone else's ugly treasure!

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