Saturday, September 25

Would you rather...

I bet you're excited for another random topic! I came across a website that listed a bunch of them, so don't worry, I have a plethora of topics! For this one, I found some "would you rather?" questions and thought it would be fun to answer them. Some of these are rather gross, so brace yourself.
Would you rather:
1. Be trapped in an elevator with wet dogs or with three fat men with bad breath?
-The fat's not like the fat guys are breathing on me.

2. Snort half a shaker of pepper or a live bee?
-Both sound painful, but I'd have to go with the pepper because I wouldn't want to get stung.

3. While starving on a desert island, eat a live moth with a body the size of a tomato worm and wing span four inches, or eat a dead hummingbird with the feathers?
-Haha both are disgusting, but if considering I can't cook either of them,  I'd go with the moth. If I was able to cook them over fire, I'd eat the hummingbird.

4. Immerse your naked body in a bathtub of cockroaches or dive naked head first into a pool of tobacco spit?
-I'm deathly afraid of cockroaches, so I'd go with the spit.

5. Would you rather have super powers or have Christmas never end?
-Super powers.

6. Would you rather drink 1 galloon of ketchup or 1 gallon of mustard?
-I don't really like ketchup, so I'd go with the mustard.

7. Have a missing finger or an extra toe?
-Fingers are seen more, so I'd rather have an extra toe.

8. Knowing you will die tomorrow, would you rather spend your last night out to dinner with your closest friends, or have it with your favorite movie star?
-Friends definitely.

9. Fart in an elevator and have everyone know it's you or have someone else fart in an elevator?
-Wow, umm someone else I guess.

10. Be stuck in a broken elevator by yourself in the dark or be stuck with the lights on but with a kid that won't stop crying?
-By myself, I'd just take a nap or something.

Those were fun! Would you have different answers than me?

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